“Rivermaas handles the technical management of its own fleet of ships and on request also provides advice to other organisations about various issues relating to technical management."
Technical management comprises the following activities:
Asset management
– maintenance of technical systems
– engine maintenance
– maintenance of the ship’s hold and hull
– maintenance of the safety and protection equipment
02. Quality management
– ISM, international management for the safe operation of ships and the prevention of contamination (International Safety Management). The ISM code focuses on safety and management objectives and requires a Safety Management System (SMS), which has to be provided by the shipping company.
– DOC (Documents of Compliance), conformity documentation that describes how the shipping company has assured that a ship and its crew are checked to ensure compliance with requirements relating to safety and the environment imposed by the flag state.
03. Purchasing management
– components of technical systems and engines
– equipment and materials such as coating and protection equipment
04. Crewing management
- MLC (voldoen aan de internationale standaard voor de omstandigheden van opvarenden)
- DPA (Designated Person Ashore)
05. Insurance policies
– purchasing insurance for ships and their cargoes